We are LGOG

LGOG, the Leuven Gynaecological Oncology Group, originated from the department of gynaecological oncology at the University Hospital Leuven.

Our department specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological cancers. These include cancers of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, peritoneum, uterus, cervix and placenta.

A specialised team of doctors, study coordinators and nurses is ready to provide optimal treatment and/or follow-up care to patients with gynaecological cancers. We also have a multidisciplinary collaboration with pathologists, radiologists, radiotherapists, dieticians, psychologists, physiotherapists and social workers.

As a reference centre, we follow the latest developments in scientific research and new treatments. For example, we have a number of ongoing clinical studies, about which you can find more information via the ‘trial selector’ on the homepage.

Photo by Roman Kraft

Medical team

The team of physician supervisors consists of gynaecologists with a subspecialty in oncology and years of experience.


Prof. Dr. Toon Van Gorp


Prof. Dr. Els Van Nieuwenhuysen


Prof. Dr. Sileny Han


Prof. Dr. Thaïs Baert


Prof. Dr. Frederic Amant


Prof. Dr. Patrick Neven

Dr. Patrick Berteloot


Dr. Maxime Van Houdt

Trial team

The study team consists of a group of passionate study coordinators who will guide you during your participation in a clinical trial. 

If you are eligible to take part in a clinical study, the details will be explained to you by your treating physician after which one of the study coordinators will go over the practical side of the study with you. You will receive an information brochure of the study, together with the contact details of your study coordinator. Do not hesitate to get in touch in case of questions, problems or concerns. The study coordinator assigned to you is the link between you and the doctors, but also between the doctors and the sponsor of the study (often a pharmaceutical company). During consultation or a visit to the day ward, you may also be seen by another study coordinator from the team.

Participation in a clinical study is always a free choice and never an obligation. Your doctor will always discuss with you what other treatment options are available to you outside a clinical trial. Even once you have signed the informed consent form, you are free to stop your participation at any time before the study actually starts, during treatment or during the follow-up period.